Building careers, boosting business

Avenida Paulista, 1636 15º andar, Conjunto 4
Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, Brasil, 01310-200

Accounting for a better world

Avenida Paulista, 1636 15º andar, Conjunto 4
Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, Brasil, 01310-200

Webinar – ACCA Certification: your passport to take off towards your dream international career!

Have you ever thought if a professional certification could guarantee not only a job outside Brazil, but a leadership position in large companies, multinationals and abroad?


Imagine going to college that would bring you academic knowledge and professional practice. An undergraduate course that helps you get a job before you even graduate. And in the end, you still have a guaranteed place to study a master’s degree at the University of London.


Do you dream of leaving Brazil to study and start your international career?

What if all of this was possible from the comfort of your home and you only had to worry about immigration with a job offer in hand? We present ACCA certification. Your passport to take off towards your long-awaited international career.

In the Webinar on November 23rd, at 6pm, we will present what ACCA is and how SHP helps you achieve this prestigious certification, unveiling the entire process to become a student, carry out the certification process and prepare your documents and CV for international vacancies.


Our next module will start in December/23, preparing you for the December/23 exam.

In the webinar we will explain a little more about the content of this exam and the SHP resources that will take you to approval. Come and explore more about the ACCA world and the SHP methodology. We will also have an interview with our students who recently passed the last Financial Report exam in June/23.


Sign up now and receive a dictionary with the 50 Main Financial Technical Terms in English!


This material is an excerpt from our vast online Dictionary of Technical Terms, which contains references to the content of the ACCA exams. Discover the path to your international career with SHP!


23 de novembro, às 18h


