Avenida Paulista, 1636 15º andar, Conjunto 4
Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, Brasil, 01310-200
Avenida Paulista, 1636 15º andar, Conjunto 4
Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, Brasil, 01310-200
In the competitive global scenario, an organization needs to invest in its human capital so that it can differentiate itself from others. Specific and in-company training are examples of investment aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives.
In 1999, the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) elaborated the standard NBR ISO10015:2001, referring to Quality Management – Training Guidelines. According to her, training must be planned and developed to achieve strategic results such as increased productivity, cost reduction and continuous improvement in Quality Management, among others.
To illustrate this reality, a success case deserves to be mentioned.
A few years ago, a global investment bank was faced with a challenge. With one of the most recognized Internship Programs in the world, the bank is concerned with maintaining equal quality throughout the world. However, despite offering excellent skills training, in Brazil the Program still did not offer the financial training available to other interns around the world.
In order to repair this difference, the bank decided to invest in specialized training. SHP Financial Training was chosen to develop the training.
Considering that the need assessment is very important for the training to be carried out without deviation of purpose, the bank and SHP Financial Training designed a model that helped the interns to have a better understanding of the relationship between the financial market and their work. Among other needs pointed out by the company, there was also an explanation about how different parts of a bank are connected.
With an efficient methodology, theory was mixed with practice during exercises practiced in class. Delivered in English, an essential language in the financial market, the customized training also helped interns to familiarize themselves with specific terms.
Following the recommendation of ISO10015, which provides for a verification step, after completion of the training, an assessment was carried out. Feedback indicated 100% satisfaction among participants, who scored the training 3.9 on a scale of 4.
According to the bank’s vice president and human capital manager, the investment further increased the reputation of the company’s Internship Program, as well as the productivity of the interns. Therefore, the next step was to develop technical training programs for analysts and other professionals.
In short, this case reinforces that, if, at first, in-company lectures and training are considered tools for the development of individual competences, under the macro vision they greatly contribute to the formation of organizational competence and deserve priority attention.
The use of the ISO10015 standard as a tool for “strategic HR” – by Henrique Martins Galvão, Alcir da Silva Santos, Arlene dos Santos Mineiro, Denise Lobat dis Santos Xavier and Maria Carolina Caetano da Silva Cruz