Avenida Paulista, 1636 15º andar, Conjunto 4
Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, Brasil, 01310-200
Avenida Paulista, 1636 15º andar, Conjunto 4
Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, Brasil, 01310-200
One of the courses offered by SHP Financial Training, “Business Valuation and Financial Modeling”, aims to develop the skills necessary to succeed in the business world.
Knowledge applicable to any job that requires a better understanding of the performance of a company or some other investment.
Our material uses financial modeling books as a reference: Building Financial Models by John S. Tjia and Practical Financial Modeling by Jonathan Swan. In addition to the valuation concepts developed by the authors: Damodaran, Koller, Copeland, Titman, Pratt, Grabowsky, among others.
One of our students, Ruben Doege, says, “The business valuation and financial modeling course was great. He not only worked on the theoretical concepts of valuation, but also applied it practically, in Excel spreadsheets that will certainly work as a model and future references when any doubts arise. The instructor was able to combine his knowledge and experience in the subject with a clear and didactic approach, leaving an excellent impression of the SHP.”