Building careers, boosting business

Avenida Paulista, 1636 15º andar, Conjunto 4
Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, Brasil, 01310-200

Accounting for a better world

Avenida Paulista, 1636 15º andar, Conjunto 4
Bela Vista, São Paulo - SP, Brasil, 01310-200

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SHP provides professional development opportunities and representation for students and fully qualified members of internationally recognised professional bodies.

Susan P. Hawkins

Founder and CEO

Preparatory course for ACCA Certification

SHP Corporate University, based in São Paulo, is the only Gold Learning Partner Online in Latin America and the only one that offers support in Portuguese and English.

SHP Financial Training is a finance training centre, fully focused on Brazilian professionals since 2014. The school offers online courses for internationally recognised professional qualifications in finance and accountancy, as well as business valuation and introductory finance courses. This knowledge increases students’ earnings potential and opens employment opportunities around the world.

It is the only ACCA Gold Learning Partner in Latin America, and one of over 200 around the world.

SHP Financial Recruitment is an agency that focuses exclusively on the professional representation of Brazilian holders and students of internationally recognised qualifications, sourcing candidates from the SHP Financial Training student and alumni base and connecting them with career opportunities at our partner organizations worldwide. It acts as a hub, providing guidance and promoting Brazilians with international qualifications so that these professionals can take advantage of opportunities in the finance and accounting field both within Brazil and abroad.

Why SHP ?

Great reasons to choose us


The most in-demand reason for training with SHP is working abroad or for multinational companies.

Global Mobility

SHP is the centre of expertise for accounting and finance skills development and for recruitment of Brazilian finance professionals all around the world. 

Professional Competence

SHP develops the professional skills identified by the industry as essential for finance leaders today and in the future.

English Proficiency

SHP offers English classes specifically focused on the language skills needed to study and pass exams in English.

Professional Positioning

The availability of training for Chartered Accountancy opens up new opportunities for Brazilian finance professionals to benchmark their skills to international standards and demonstrate ability at the highest levels.


A relevant and up-to-date syllabus combined with consistent and independent marking gives the qualifications worldwide professional and academic recognition.

What our students say about SHP: Click Here to read alumni success stories 

SHP Timeline

SHP Financial Training is founded


ACCA and Intern Training courses are launched 


SHP Advisory Board is established


SHP is accredited by the Brazilian Federal Council of Accountants (Conselho Federal de Contabilidade, CFC);  

SHP becomes an ACCA Silver Learning Partner;   

The Corporate Sponsorship Programme is established


SHP partners with Quartic for CFA Program online courses


SHP becomes an ACCA Gold Learning Partner;   

The DNA Women Initiative is launched


SHP forms a partnership with FECAP


SHP Financial Recruitment opens;

  SHP reaches the milestone of 2,000 LinkedIn followers;  

Irko Hirashima becomes the first company in Brazil to offer ACCA firm-wide;  

SHP Accelerator Programme is launched;  

First SHP student gains ACCA Advanced Diploma in Accounting and Business


SHP reaches the milestone of 3,000 LinkedIn followers;

First SHP student gains BSc in Applied Accounting from Oxford Brookes University; 

First Strategic Professional course launched. 

1º SHP Summit in São Paulo


- SHP reaches the milestone of 4 thousand followers on LinkedIn;

- Approved as a Gold Learning Partner in Online mode


Last Pass Rates

Our students recent scores

Performance Management
0 %
Financial Management
0 %
Financial Reporting
0 %
0 %
Audit and Assurance
0 %
Business and Technology
0 %
Management Accounting
0 %
Financial Accounting
0 %

For more information, please contact us!